Pomelos (Half Box)
Pomelos (Half Box)
(Half box contains an average of 6 -12 Pomelos)
Pomelos from Pearson Ranch have a refreshingly sweet and mildly tart flavor. Their rosy pink interior, extraordinary texture and their incredible fragrance make them a delicious eating citrus fruit. Pomelos are a perfect addition to breakfast, salads, or use pomelos to create an exotic entree or desert, or try an exciting glass of Pomelo juice for a refreshing change!
What about the nutrition in Pomelos? Well, how about this...just 150 grams (about one-fourth) of a Pomelo has 60 calories and provides of the recommended daily allowance of Vitamin C. They are sodium, fat and of course, cholesterol free and are an excellent source of potassium.
Why Buy Pomelos from Pearson Ranch? Our mature pomelo trees are closely tended to by hand in order to ensure their unique flavor and fragrance. Proper amounts of well water and the right balance of fertilizer with California's famous warm sunshine, help grow the absolute best pomelos...anywhere! The variety of California Pomelos we grow, end up in various sizes, so if there is specific size you need or want please call or email us and we would be happy to help you choose the size and quantity that's best for you.
When to buy the Pomelo you want. When ordering Pomelos in mid November, the exterior is still GREEN and will start to turn yellow as the season progresses. But don't worry, that sweet, delicious, citrusy flavor and fragrance is already there!! However, if you want to make sure your Pomelos arrive with a YELLOW exterior, you can wait until the first part of January to place your order at which time they should be full color!